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日本人愛吃中華料理,又加上本身是機器人大國,日前有廠商在日本最大的麵食展「NOODLE WORLD」中,展示出「全自動中華料理機」,它能炒出中華經典料理--蛋炒飯,因此也被稱為「炒飯機器人」;至於它的手藝如何?據悉,吃過的日本人都說讚。公仔箱論壇 H. @3 y5 r G: T6 _8 v0 c
In Europe and China too there are a gd number of rest, n places who operates with robotic technology. From taking orders to cooking and cleaning. Don't know how good they are, but one thing for sure, is that it is the same familiar taste everytime you order and eat the food. c" E* m5 U6 p
Very consistent in taste, flavor, quantity and quality as is food controller are nobody but robots who repeats itself over and over again.