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好悶 懶好笑咁$ j3 l6 C" _+ v, m/ e
yyyum3 發表於 2011-10-13 07:12 PM
8 O. {, g0 K* m) S1 ]公仔箱論壇
  c: v8 c; A! Q! y我都覺得好悶,而且唔多好笑
福祿壽 has run out of steam, and is not funny anymore.
爛劇... sorry, 我搵唔到其他形容詞...
agree with you
it's a human cartoon
pls forgive me.its really hard to except to waste my time for this show.
Yes I have the same feeling
算係咁啦. 起碼有套可以令我輕輕鬆鬆咁睇
dont know the show
quite okay la
- y2 b% G! j6 @$ V1 Cbut not really excellent law) n. a( m& g$ n3 o- Z* \* {% h8 _

# U( A" F: r. Y& V. w2 s9 ~  V8 {because the story is not good
; t, @6 O/ Z$ f4 |$ C1 U& Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbut the drama is fun.