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1. 我目前使用的系統: Win 7
2. 我使用過的系統: 95,98,XP,ME,2000,vista, 7
3. 我最鍾意的系統: 還是XP home ,win7
4. 我玩電腦的年數: 15年吧!
全新都用過/support 過, DOS 同 Windows 3.1 在哪兒?
1. 我目前使用的系統: Windows XP home
2. 我使用過的系統: 95,98,XP,win7
3. 我最鍾意的系統: 暫時還是XP home
4. 我玩電腦的年數: N年
1: win8.1, solaris8, redthat5, os9
2: dos, win3.1, win95, win98, winme, win2k, winxp, win7, win8
3: Solaris
4: 20+
Any buddy using Linux Ubuntu? It is very fast, and high security
我目前使用的系統:windows 7 home
我最鍾意的系統:windows7,mac osx
Started with Windows Executive (2.0).  Painfully slow.
Windows 3.0, 3.1, NT4, 95, 2000, XP, Vista, Win7.

Still have a T-Shirt from Microsoft when they launch Windows 3.1 in Hong Kong.  Those were the days.....