i like it very much , currently cnn chose it as one of the best food in hong kong. i always eat 3-4 curb at a day tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% a0 z N" L% C6 y% p7 D, j e1 Z J5 \( n- x L5 T; \2 z
support support
KL or PJ where can find 臭豆腐? # w4 i/ z- L; A: L0 L) t$ Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLast time i buy from ss2 pasar malam & OUG pasar malam... I4 d2 h( r* H# t' [" E
but now ss2 pasar malam can't find the 臭豆腐 store anymore...