Hi JUJUJUJU, i cannot unzip all the files you uploaded, i've tried many times, it seems that every times when I unzip it, an error box pop up. "這個壓縮檔不是未知的格式就是損壞" "file format is incorrest or damage" What happen with my winrar? Is that over 40 days trial, cannot open your rar files? WOuld you please give me a BIG HELP? THANKS A LOT!! I really want to play all the Big Fish/Shockwave full version games...
Have you tried to re-download the file? It could be during download, there is some error
I am not sure whether is it your winrar problem, I found this on the internet, you can try, otherwise try to search for the latest winrar on the internet.
I've download another winrar program again. Then I've try unzip other zip files, totally tried four files, all OK. But only all of your zipped games files can't unzip. Same error box occur, just as I mentioned before. What's the problem?
Can U try to put your games files by other way? Thank you so much.
I finally found out what's the problem!!! Because I'm using Xinlei "迅雷" downloder for downloading. The reason is it really very fast in downloding. So this is my default downloader. Yesterday I've retried to dl your files again, but this time I didn't use Xinlei and used the most original Windows XP downloader (sorry, I don't know how to call this, the pop up is two files icon are transferring document something like that ><)
Although it's really very slow and took me long time to dl such a big file, but at last I can open it la!! And can play the game, so happy that I figure out maybe high speed download sometimes could damage the zipped file. Can I use Net Transport/Flashget to dl your zipped file, cause the free user dl link you share with us is really slow.
Anyway, you are so helpful and thank you for your advise and help!! Also thanks for sharing^^ 5#mun2
Glad you managed to solve the problem. Yesterday while trying to help solve your problem, I got hit by a virus and almost crashed my PC. Spend the whole afternoon trying to save my PC.
All my files are direct download (ddl) and not P2P sharing (check internet for definition/info).
XunLei is a P2P file sharing protocol which is different from ddl. (check internet for info)
Xunlei is fast only if many people download the file and is sharing the seed, otherwise it is slow too.
If you are using a fast broadband speed, ddl should be fast. You can search the internet for other free download manager for fast ddl. You can check which one works for you the best.