Designedby Bruno Delussu from France, the Bugatti Stratos is retro-futuristicconcept study that draws inspiration chiefly from the Bugatti Type 57Atlantic which is considered by many as one of the most beautiful carsof all time. Bruno states that he also used some design cues from theAlfa Romeo 6C 2500 Mille Miglia for the styling of the front end. To becompletely frank, the first car that leaped into our mind upon seeingthe Strato's fascia was the BMW-powered Weismann MF4 Roadster.
TheFrench graphic designer said that his goal with the Bugatti Stratos wasto create a pure fantasy vehicle clearly focusing on the design aspectof the concept without taking into account the technical restrictionsand the resulting styling limitations of a model intended forproduction.
Source: Delussu , Via: Diseno