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投奔紅軍不遂 巴裡考慮加盟阿申納

投奔紅軍不遂 巴裡考慮加盟阿申納                                    2009-05-30 16:06
上賽季這位英格蘭國腳一度與利物浦走得很近,但由於貝尼特茲(Rafael Benitez)最終食言,導致提前與球會攤牌決裂,弄了一個人財兩空。
目前最有可能勝出的球隊是溫格(Arsene Wenger)執教的阿申納,據悉溫格準備掏出1200萬英鎊(6500萬令吉)求購巴里。
阿申納在中前場已經擁有多名技術嫻熟的組織者,然而本賽季長期擔任主力後腰的丹尼爾森卻並非隊長法布雷加斯(Cesc Fabregas)的得力助手,而巴里的到來將使得兵工廠的中路變得厚實許多。
like that is good.
cheaper than alonso.
hope that wenger will try to sign he.
i think he will be the right man for arsenal to strenghten the defense.. but i think wenger now can still decide to buy 1 or 2 more defender to overcome the defense problem nor height problem..
either barry or alonso join arsenal, to strengthen mid defensive...
alonso also is good a freekick taker...
barry is great penalty taker...
Barry join Manchester City already....
ya ya, 12m join Man City and 130k per week his salary... the wage arsenal cant give to barry but Man City can
now even alonso also close with real madrid de...
real madrid bid 22m for alonso, according to news said the transfer to be close...
wenger, move fast...
Good, if barry coming, so that arsenal's midfielder will be stronger a lot. buy him!!!
9# artdesign

hi buddy, Barry already join Man City with 12m... a shock news for me...
said wan play champion league but still join MC cos of money...
oh my god.
man city not play for champion league.
even uefa cup also can't.
barry just want money. so disappointed with he
If he join Arsenal, maybe only get £70-80k/week,
but now he'll get £130k/week at Manchester City!!
So what for he'll have to join Arsenal?
let's forgive him lor...
Arsenal still got Alonso or other star player to chase ah...
好啊! 點都好過Denilson掛!