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TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 h7 _" j5 q# t% G( \' C6 p
OUR SOULS5.39.217.77:8898! {, \4 j L2 H) s1 \
1 T8 `/ N0 k$ ^. ^! f, @0 e; ~公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇- ?! _& \9 P0 y+ `
These steeples, everywhere pointing upward, ignoring despair and lifting hope, these lofty city spires, or simple chapels in the hills—they rise at every step from the earth to the sky; in every village of every nation on the globe they challenge doubt and invite weary hearts to consolation. Is it all a vain delusion? Is there nothing beyond life but death, and nothing beyond death but decay? We cannot know. But as long as men suffer, those steeples will remain.5 G( a3 m* I$ {, D1 {) ?) P) {, V
: |. M/ }' u. a7 Q公仔箱論壇Now would seem an appropriate time to examine whether or not anything of us survives the apparent finality of our existence. This requires some definitions of things such as matter, space,time, sensation, perception, mind, self, consciousness, and soul. Kant took eight hundred pages to do this; but as my mind is not as complex as his, I shall be content with far less.公仔箱論壇) } g w. L$ |6 h0 O
; I f( S" a/ N: RBy matter I mean that which occupies space. Theoretical physics, which is becoming another metaphysics, reduces matter to an almost spaceless energy, but this strikes me as a form of mysticism. I continue to perceive objects that occupy space, and I believe that objects can exist whether I perceive them or not. I find this view confirmed by a million experiments and a billion fellow men, which is enough. I admit that the object is not known to me as it is independently of my perception; it is changed, as it enters my ken, by the structure and condition of my senses, by the nature of the intervening medium, and by the character and incidence of the light falling upon the object and upon my eyes. But if I do suppose that my perceptions created the object I can easily disillusion myself in Samuel Johnson’s brusque way—by kicking a sturdy stone.
/ F3 E& O* u' ?* p$ @Space, subjectively, is the coexistence of perceptions—perceiving two objects at once, one to the right or left of,under or above, the other; objectively, it is the possibility and medium of motion. Time, subjectively, is the conscious sequence of perceptions—one after the other; objectively, it is the possibility of change. The trees will grow and wither whether I perceive them or not; seasons will succeed one another whether or not there is an eye to watch their procession; dying trees may fall even if no ear is near to hear their crash. The world is not “my idea,” as Schopenhauer called it; it is a stern reality of which you and I are passing spawns.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 Z" D3 g% x1 G6 B( m
4 ^/ _0 P" R' s4 k0 ]' B' i; WIf I define matter as that which occupies space, I must conclude that mind is immaterial, since, to my direct and repeated introspection, it gives no sign of occupying space. It embraces a mile with no more effort than in contemplating an inch. By mind I mean the totality of perceptions, memories, and ideas in an organism, sometimes with consciousness thereof. A sensation is the feeling of an external stimulus or an internal condition. It may be unconscious and produce an unconscious reaction,as when you tickle the sole of my foot while I sleep and my toes curl up in a reflex action. A sensation becomes a perception when awareness ascribes it to a cause or place—“a pain in the ear,” “a thunderclap.”
: N5 s, E- O2 d& x7 V. aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ K. D9 g N: m: j: H
Sensations, perceptions, memories, and ideas have material correlates in the nervous system, but they are something added to these correlates; it is this something that we can become aware of in introspection. I know that David Hume amused himself by reducing mind to a stream of perceptions or ideas, but he did not take himself very seriously. In addition to that succession of mental states there is, by the direct witness of introspection, a sense of continuity and personality constituting the “self”; there is, or can be, a consciousness which distinguishes waking from sleeping, and perception from memory. This has been a thorn in the metaphysics of every materialist.
; M7 W |- `/ P: ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇8 O- a$ ~( c- [8 Z
At this point the psychoanalyst reminds me that much of my personality and my thinking is influenced, at times directed,by the “subconscious mind.” I would rather call this the physiological self—the storing, in our nervous system, of past (even prenatal, even racial)sensations, actions, desires, and fears. These can enter into our dreams, when there is no waking conscious self to check past memory with present perception;and they can enter into our waking consciousness when some present experience arouses a related memory stored in the nerves. Such dormant recollections are part of the self and the soul; consciousness is not all of the soul, but only the soul’s supreme achievement.' F, ~9 v8 Y. o+ {+ ^7 C. j
公仔箱論壇/ n6 z0 ]# \& _$ A5 s
By the soul, as distinct from the mind,I mean an inner directive and energizing force in every body, and in every cell and organ of a body. It is closely associated with the breath (which, like the soul, was once termed spiritus), and it gradually dies if breathing permanently stops; but it is more than respiration, for it can rise from mere breathing to the subtlest functions of the body or the mind. When I introspect I perceive not merely sensations and ideas but desire, will, ambition, and pride as vital phases of me. Spinoza was right: “desiderium ipsa essentia hominis”—desire is the very essence of man. We are living flames of desire until we admit final defeat. Will is desire expressed in ideas that become actions unless impeded by contrary or substitute desires and ideas. Character is the sum of our desires,fears, propensities, habits, abilities, and ideas.
% V# m2 |5 [, E6 |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
9 c2 {5 A* m* P8 o% [1 ^It is this soul or psyche, this steaming fountain of desires and thoughts, that forms the body and the face, limited by heredity and environment, and following the lines upon which ancestral souls have molded ancestral forms. When the amoeba extends itself into a temporary arm to clutch and enclose some wanted object, desire is molding that arm; and if such desires are so expressed through many lives and generations, the soul or directive force of the embryo may generate a permanent arm. I leave Darwin here, and revert with cautious modifications to Lamarck. I believe that in everything there is some formative force like that which I call soul. So I echo Spinoza again: “omnia quodammodo animata”—all things are in some way animated—even if it is only the dance of electrons in an apparently lifeless stone.
$ ]3 a N- V, e2 f' P$ n公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% C* z$ B! |: y
With diffidence and humility I depart from Spinoza in rejecting determinism. For determinism would make consciousness a superfluous encumbrance, and I doubt if so remarkable a development would have persisted if it had no value for survival. Part of its value is that it can serve as a rehearsal stage for testing diverse possible responses to a situation, imagining or forecasting the results of each potential response in the light of remembered experience, and letting the rehearsal affect the final action. Delayed reaction allows time for every important aspect of a situation to enter consciousness and to arouse a reply; in this way, response can be intelligent and adequate. If consciousness had no effect upon action, if every response was a mechanical reaction to a mechanical stimulus, waking life would be but another dream; unconscious forces would determine every perception,feeling, and idea.4 a+ A# X8 \5 U
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 i6 a: F% @5 ^. T& ]& o% C, H- P
I admit that in bare logic determinism seems irrefutable. Each moment in the history of the universe seems to follow inevitably from the condition and components of the preceding moment, and this from its predecessor, until every line of Shakespeare’s plays finds its distant cause and explanation in some gaseous primeval nebula. This is harder to believe than any medieval miracle story. Iincline to trust my immediate internal perception beyond any parade of syllogisms. How many things have been “proved” by “logic” and then discarded by later logicians—Euclidian propositions by Gauss and Riemann, Newtonian physics by Einstein. Logic itself is a human creation, and may be ignored by the universe.公仔箱論壇. q0 R K* d0 Z
' C7 y, m* ?$ {7 `. x. WThere is an escape from the mechanical argument if we believe, as I do, that all nature includes some power of spontaneity, which becomes more and more complex as we rise from gases to human beings. In humans, besides heredity, environment, and circumstance (the determinist trinity), there is the expansive, driving, “procreant urge” of the soul; growth would be unintelligible without it. In addition to mechanical forces operating in me there is me, no mere machinery of sensation, memory, and response, but a force and will bearing the imprint and character of my self. I do not know what modest measure of freedom and origination I enjoy, but when I introspect I see no mechanism, but ambition, desire, will. Desire, not experience, is the essence of life; experience becomes the tool of desire in the enlightenment of mind and the pursuit of ends.
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But if there is any element of freedom in my actions how can these find an opening, a way of operating, in an external world allegedly subject to the laws of mechanics and a deterministic fatality?They can because that external world may itself be no blind machine but a scene of diverse, often conflicting, vitalities and wills; and the “laws” of mechanics may be only the approximate average result, in the large, of those abounding forces. Physics itself seems to be moving toward such a conclusion,as in Werner Heisenberg’s “principle of indeterminacy,” and in Niels Bohr’s conception of a duplex world—one internal and “concave,” the other external and“convex,” each with its own ways and laws. Or as Spinoza put it, reality is one substance with everywhere two (among many)attributes or aspects—material extension and spaceless thought. We are among those parts of reality that can perceive—now in the body, now in the mind—both the external form and the internal life. F2 Q8 I' K. C6 A6 i
( y& n* J0 m& u# i% n# ]Though I am fond of my unique soul, I do not expect it to survive the complete death of my body. Death is the breakup of the human soul—i.e., of the life-giving, form-molding force—of an organism into those partial souls that animate individual parts of the body; so these lesser souls can for a time continue the growth of hair and nails on a corpse. And when the corpse completely disintegrates there will be souls, or inner energizing powers, even in the “inorganic” fragments that remain. But my soul as me is bound up with my organized and centrally directed body, and with my individual memories, desires, and character; it must suffer disintegration as my body decays.
5 l. C/ ^$ O0 C- ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbHere again I depart from my favorite philosopher, Spinoza. You will recall that toward the end of his Ethics he dallied with the idea of a kind of intellectual immortality: we can feel ourselves immortal, he suggested, insofar as we view things or ideas sub speciea eternitatis—in the perspective of eternity; then our thoughts will be immortal in the sense that they will be immune to time; we shall to that degree be part of the divine mind, which sees all things in an eternal light. Santayana comforted his materialism with a similar fantasy. But which of us has ever seen, or can ever see, things in the perspective of eternity, or be ever sure that he knows the truth?
3 S7 s. p# a3 utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
/ M/ W/ x$ j! S6 V- rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI am quite content with mortality; I should be appalled at the thought of living forever, in whatever paradise. As I move on into my nineties my ambitions moderate, my zest in life wanes; soon I shall echo Caesar’s Jam satis vixi—“I have already lived enough.” When death comes in due time, after a life fully lived, it is forgivable and good. If in my last gasps I say anything contrary to this bravado, pay no attention to me.We must make room for our children.
6 t7 M! b) g- n4 I6 e |公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 c$ c/ G/ S9 d! B6 S3 U3 i2 V$ t1 O' U& I' t/ t( W5 O# I' T