本帖最後由 klamb 於 2014-9-2 09:42 AM 編輯
來自上圖大象的同一攝影師Photograph by Brent Stirton.

Brent Stirton

Photograph by Brent Stirton
現在肯尼亞的安博塞利國家公園,為了阻止象牙進入黑市中,便衣護林員阻止肯尼亞的安博塞利國家公園非法的殺害。在今年[201?]上半年護林員為保護肯尼亞的大象,已經有6公園護林員死亡,同時護林員也 打死23偷獵者.
To keep the ivory from the black market, a plainclothes ranger hacks the tusks off a bull elephant killed illegally in Kenya’s Amboseli National Park. In the first half of this year six park rangers died protecting Kenya’s elephants; meanwhile, rangers killed 23 poachers.