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not really
no where in the world are more interesting and exciting than Hong Kong, you can find everything you need in term of foods and entertainment in one block in Hong Kong, also people in Hong Kong more outgoing so they can get together to eat, drink and make more and more friends, a lot of people from Hong Kong don't want to stay in other countries is because they don't have friends, or make friends, no entertainment, food taste bad outside of Hong Kong unless you can pay higher price.  In reality, if you don't want to change, stay in Hong Kong where you enjoy the most, move to other countries, you have to learn there culture, there life, and try to blend in, not trying to do the samething in Hong Kong, it's not going to work out that way.  Learn how to drive, get a job to earn your money or kill time, then drive to different part of the country to see the part of the world.
i have been here for 40 plus years, i quite the weather here in melbourne, but the living is very expensive, council rate is over 2k per year, water bill, power bill, gas bill, and medical bill.  they are expensive like there is no tomorrow.  if you don't earn a good wages then you won't be able to effort to get a house of paying those bill.  Government and local government are bunch of greedy bastard.
感覺上係澳洲住無樓上啲人講得咁貴,醫療大多數政府保。 (睇普通醫生都唔駛錢,買藥先要)
council rate 其實都係一個quarter一次。

香港有香港好處,澳洲有澳洲好處。 個人選擇同喜好。

有小朋友澳洲生活佢地無咁大壓力 etc etc
well, if you like camping or fishing, you should be able to enjoy it.