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3 p3 w/ S  W# Y8 q( u% H$ `- Z5.39.217.77:8898我是绝对不会放弃他的。。。
life is depend on our own hand...
, j% J0 X: ]. o/ y0 c1 n/ J8 U公仔箱論壇dun always think about the thing that will only happen future5.39.217.77:88982 N0 n$ C  d5 G# K: ]3 D0 d. T
as long as they love each other, i think there will be the solution to undergo all the thing5.39.217.77:8898+ J8 m+ F" T: a' V( [, O" Q) L
nothing is impossible, it is just depend on whether you want it to happen or not...
god won't forgive 生了孩子卻不養育的人。。" Z6 R$ J3 m: B2 h& z
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 t/ c/ U& B) t) S- w
should take care..god bless you..