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[粵語專輯] 粵語賀年歌

我不知道誰唱那些歌。但是我很喜歡這個專輯。6 U" ?- J1 u5 W% W$ i; H
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If you know who it is, can you please post the name.  The quality isn't the greatest because I got the audio from an old cassette tape.
" Z' T" i4 \, ~- g+ ]/ zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& G( n! \5 E6 ]$ g' W. J7 _% H
I know some of them are sing by 文千歲 劉鳳萍
Time to listen to the New Year Songs. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!
Although we live in Canada, but more or less we have a celebration in Chinese. `, ^1 Z1 ?# W: P; [
New Year, not for me because I am Japanese. Thank you for posting that music.