Derek Fisher: What Is He For, And How Well Does He Do It? 论老鱼在湖人的作用

Derek Fisher and Steve Blake, the Lakers' point guards, are easy to overlook. We check and and measure how they've performed this season.
Jan 11, 2011 - Through the first half of the NBA season, the ongoing conversation around Lakerdom has focused mostly on the team's frontcourt. From Andrew Bynum's post-surgery rehab, to the rise and fall (and perhaps rise) of Pau Gasol, to the occasional perplexities of Ron Artest, the story of the Lakers' three-peat campaign has so far played out in the paint. Aside from the customary agita over Kobe Bryant's shot attempts, there haven't been many storylines - juicy, banal or in between -- concerning the Laker backcourt. In every season, though, it seems the play of Laker point guards eventually becomes a concern, so it's worth checking in to see how they've been faring lately. 截止到2011年1月11日,联盟赛季过半,湖人球迷谈论最多的是球队的前场。从拜纳姆术后的康复到加索尔状态的起起伏伏(或许起得多些),再到阿泰斯特的间歇性断电,湖人三连冠征途中的故事好像与后场绝缘,当然关于科比最近出手选择的争论除外。后卫线并没有什么新闻可讲,无论是新奇的,陈旧的抑或介于两者之间的。但是湖人控卫每个赛季最终会成为大家最担心的位置,所以现在就有必要看看他们现在的状况。
Dashing the heartfelt hopes of many Laker fans, Phil Jackson has not meaningfully reduced Derek Fisher's playing time this year. Night in and night out, Fish starts and logs 25 to 30 minutes. What's left over gets scooped up by Steve Blake, signed in the offseason to replace Jordan Farmar as lead guard of the second unit. Together, Fisher and Blake form one of the oldest and least athletic point-guard tandems in the league, and statistically one of the least dazzling. 很多球迷希望这个赛季可以削减老鱼的上场时间,菲尔.杰克逊并没有这么做。老鱼每晚都是首发而且上场时间稳定在25到30分钟,剩下时间属于布雷克,布雷克是湖人去年拿法玛尔换来的,是湖人第二阵容中首选后卫。老鱼和布雷克在联盟属于后卫组老少配,这个组合的场上数据并不起眼。
At 36 years old, Fish is turning in one of the worst shooting performances of his career. His three-point accuracy is actually up, from 35 percent last season to 40 percent now. But fewer of the shots he's taken have come from behind the arc. Last year about 40 percent of his FGAs came from distance; this year it's about 30 percent. The problem is that Fisher is one of the worst players in the league at making two-point shots: his accuracy from inside the arc is a breathtaking 37 percent. Basically, any time Fish takes a shot that's not a three, you can write it off as a wasted possession. He's also turning the rock over more frequently and getting to the free-throw line less frequently. 36岁高龄的老鱼投篮表现已降至生涯最差,虽然他的三分命中率由去年的35%上升到几年的40%,但他在三分线外的出手明显减少,去年他的三分出手占总投篮次数的40%,而今年这个数字已经降到30%。问题来了,老鱼的中投或许是联盟最差之一,他的两分球命中率是惊人的37%。当老鱼在三分线内出手时,你基本可以断定要抢篮板了。他的勉强投篮也越来越多,但是站上罚球线的机会却越来越少。
On the whole Blake has been better, though his performance has been lumpy. His Laker career began in fine fashion, as he posted an effective field-goal percentage (which gives extra credit for threes) of 57 percent in October and November. In December, though, a slump took hold and his eFG for the month crashed down to 43 percent. He has shot well in recent games, so it looks like December was just a classic cold streak. There's no real reason to think he won't settle in at a 50 to 53 percent effective field-goal mark that he's posted the last few years. 虽然布雷克的表现也不尽如人意,总体上还是比老鱼要好些。他刚来湖人时打得不错,十月和十一月份的投篮命中率为57%(其中大部分是三分球)。而十二月的命中率直接掉到43%,最近几场比赛他的投篮都很好,看来十二月只是典型的手感不好,毕竟他近几年的投篮命中率高达50%到53%。
When taking the measure of Laker point guards, you do have to be careful not to get unduly hung up on the numbers. The Triangle offense isn't a system that requires, or could even readily accommodate, a paradigmatic ball-dominating point. There's no drive-and-kick element to it, and although there are pick-and-roll sets embedded in the Triangle playbook, in practice they almost always involve Kobe Bryant acting as the primary ballhandler. And at the end of close games, Kobe will always assume point-guard duties himself. High usage rates and assist totals aren't things you're ever really going to see from Fish and Blake, and you probably wouldn't want to.
The to-do list for a Laker point guard basically reads as follows:
1. Keep the ball moving.
2. Make open shots when the ball comes back out to you.
3. Play defense.
4. Get out of the way. 当谈到湖人的控卫时,不能只拿数据说事。三角进攻体系并不要求甚至不习惯教科书版的由控卫长期持球组织进攻,虽然加入了挡拆战术,但控卫持球的时间并不多,练习中常常是科比先出来控球。在比赛的最后胶着阶段,科比更是会自己操刀控卫一角。所以你不会看到费舍尔和布雷克的高效表现或者有很多助攻,可能大家也不希望他们做这些。湖人控卫的常规职责主要有以下几点:
The first of those three items Blake does really well. He regularly gets the rock inside to Gasol, who's usually the guy playing center with the reserves, and he does a nice job of finding the open man in transition. As for Fish, he still has the occasional moment when he fires up a foot-on-the-line J with 20 seconds left on the game clock, but they seem to come less often this season. He's been more disciplined this year about routing the ball into the paint.
On the second point above, as discussed, both bros need improvement. Blake's shooting touch will be fine in the long run. The most beneficial thing Fish could do is stop shooting two-pointers except when he's unguarded under the basket. Aside from a turnover, a Fisher two-point attempt is the worst possible outcome of a Laker possession. 布雷克前三项完成得都很好,但经常杵在内线妨碍到加索尔,加索尔惯于在内线做转身动作,也很善于找到空位球员把球传出去。至于费舍尔,他仍会时不时犯浑在进攻时间还有20秒时就早早把球投掉,不过本赛季这种情况已经有所减少,他更多时候会遵守战术把球调进内线。这两个人在第二项上都需要改进,如作长久考虑,布雷克的投篮手感更稳定些。老鱼最好停止在三分线内出手,除了失误,让老鱼中投或许是湖人最差的进攻选择。
The defensive performances of Fisher and Blake are especially difficult to evaluate because of the collective-responsibility concepts hard-wired into the Laker system. Often the defensive task of the point guard is to steer opposing ball-handlers toward the Laker bigs. So, for instance, if you see in the box score that an opposing PG had a big scoring night, blame shouldn't necessarily land on his Laker counterpart.
Having watched every Laker game this season, I give both Fisher and Blake barely passing grades for their D. Neither one moves well laterally. Fish, like Kobe, has slipped into the annoying habit of sagging off shooters to double in the post unnecessarily; please do stop that. Blake has better length, but Fish has old-man strength and veterany tricks and subterfuges he breaks out from time to time. The two are better equipped to handle opposing guards who aren't super-athletic but instead rely on size and power. Derrick Rose and Russell Westbrook are bad news for the Lakers. Ray Felton, whom the Lakers faced on Sunday night, didn't present much of a problem, and against someone like Jason Kidd, Fish should be able to hold his own without great mishap. 由于湖人战术体系中的防守公责制,评价布雷克和老鱼的防守显得特别困难。湖人控卫的防守任务就是把对方控球者引向内线。因此,如果你看到对手控卫打出了一场高得分的比赛,你不能只批评湖人控卫防守差。观看了本赛季湖人的每一场比赛,我只能勉强给老鱼和布雷克的滑步及格。老鱼和科比一样,总是放松防守,形成不必要的两人防一个人的局面,得改掉这个毛病。布雷克的防守专注度相对更高,但是老鱼的老力量和老油子诡计是他的防守利器,他总是能时不时蹦出些狡猾伎俩。这哥俩可以防单纯靠力量和体形的人,但是像德里克.罗斯和维斯布鲁克这样级别的球员他们是防不了的。星期天将要碰到的费尔顿问题不大,至于基德这种,不出意外的话,费舍尔可一人搞定。
In last year's playoffs, Phil Jackson showed a deft ingenuity in working around Fisher's defensive limitations. In four series, the Lakers faced four elite point guards -- Westbrook, Deron Williams, Steve Nash and Rajon Rondo - and though all four had their moments (Westbrook and Williams, especially), none proved deadly to the Lakers' title hopes. Against the Thunder, Phil assigned Kobe to check Westbrook for the decisive fifth and sixth games, a maneuver made possible because Thabo Sefolosha, Oklahoma City's starting shooting guard, was invisible on offense. In the second round, Williams had a terrific series, but the Jazz couldn't begin to stop the Laker attack so it didn't matter. In the conference finals, Fish did just fine on his own against Nash. And in the NBA Finals against Boston, Kobe half guarded Rondo and half played free safety. 菲尔.杰克逊去年季后赛对于老鱼这块防守短板处理得非常巧妙。四轮比赛的对手阵中都有联盟顶级控卫,维斯布鲁克、德隆.威廉姆斯、史蒂夫.纳什、拉简.朗多,他们都打出了自己的应有水准(特别是维斯布鲁克和威廉姆斯),但是都没能给湖人的卫冕征程带来致命危机。对阵雷霆的时候,菲尔让科比在关键的第五场和第六场单防维斯布鲁克,雷霆的首发得分后卫萨博.瑟弗罗萨在进攻端可以忽略不计,从而使这种调度成为可能。第二轮,威廉姆斯打得相当出色,可爵士挡不住湖人水银泻地般地全队进攻,威廉姆斯孤掌难鸣。西部决赛中,老鱼单防纳什表现不俗。而总决赛打波士顿时,科比在防住朗多的同时,带领湖人获胜。
Barring an injury to the seemingly indestructible Fish, we can assume he'll play just as many playoff minutes as he always has, and we can expect Phil to contrive makeshift defensive solutions as matchups dictate. There will be times when Fisher's limitations make us wonder aloud why he's on the floor. For the time being, though, his shortcomings are the price we pay for the continuity he brings to the Laker rotations and the never-trivial possibility that he'll shut us all up by doing something like this. 除非伤病击倒看似坚不可摧的老鱼,不然老鱼还是会在季后赛像往常一样对湖人贡献良多,而且菲尔也会在防守短板问题上做出适当的调整。可能有时候我们会因为老鱼表现不佳对他依然待在场上大放厥词,就目前而言,虽然老鱼缺点明显,但他使湖人的阵容轮换更加稳定,在场上也绝不是可有可无,有在关键时刻进球的能力,最终他会用自己的价值让质疑他的人闭嘴。 |