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[冷知識分享] 大麻花

  K6 {5 F  Q7 X: d( R5.39.217.77
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- n* Y' B9 u$ k1 D- Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb警方表示,毒品大麻花源自荷蘭,為求增強其毒效,一般會用優質大麻在溫室培植,當麻花長出花後,將花焙乾而成。由於其含四氫大麻酚比大麻草高五至八倍,受在娛樂夜場活動人士歡迎,近年開始少量在港澳出現,成為新興毒品,但價錢較貴,每克約售一千元港幣(約四千二百元新台幣)。 大麻花屬桑科草本植物,品種很多,生長於溫帶或熱帶氣候。以大麻製成的毒品分別有「草」、「大麻精」、「大麻油」及「大麻花」。這次發現的大麻花吸法與大麻草相似,將曬乾的大麻花碾碎製成煙絲,以紙捲成條狀吸食。 抽吸大麻後,會從肺部的微絲血管吸收進血液,然後循環到全身的器官。大麻的主要成份「四氫大麻酚」對腦部運作會引起妨礙。由於「四氫大麻酚」能溶解於油脂,就算一次的吸食,一個月後在使用者身體上,仍會有大麻殘留在脂肪組織內。


  • wwinglin

thanks for sharing
:024: 如果唔係越战美国佬将大麻充当战时麻醉药物~~之后仲带咗翻美国~~家下呢味嘢又点会咁流行?!


  • wwinglin

回復第 3 帖由 271631317 所發的帖子

Um...i guess.....i dont think weed in the US are from VN......actually weed has a long history in america..before the VN war....so.....and mostly american weed is from south america or B.C. bud.... so i dont ythink american needa get weed from VN in the old day........


  • wwinglin

係越战归国士兵令更多美国人认识大麻, 当然适逢当时冷战时期, 所有人都抱住明天就核子战争明天就世界末日嘅念头, 狂野咁生活. 醺酒, 吸毒, 滥交...... 美国人嘅性革命(sex revolution)就响呢个时候开始, 仲有留长发(*抵制征兵, 当兵要剃大兵头)摇滚乐(*表达反叛与愤怒)同DISCO(*以发泄, 狂欢)亦都响嗰个时代开始出现. 越战对美国嘅创伤唔单指係伤亡, 而至今仲影响紧整个美国社会.


  • wwinglin

hahaha... MAY BE....but my opinion, i dont think VN war makes marijuana popular.+ z% S! ?2 m2 m0 `
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. c1 L! I; q7 n- N% r2 J
and it's about a culture...long time ago before VN war. many countries next to or near by the US has been using cannabi , marijuana for a long history..... even american native , they used to smoke weed. / Y6 L9 k" U# R
& O6 h2 y' `+ A( L& H' z; q
狂野咁生活??? i don't think weed can make people CRAZY...... American they might bring Cocain or heroin and made them crazy.........
# H: S. D5 d' `/ m6 t8 Z  J, S2 ^) [8 y) J: k, E
and i don't care what's sex revolution, im just know what's sex-satisfaction, if this knida personal stuff has to limited, human just gonna be an animal in the Zoo....Poke in the Zooooooooooooooooooooo


  • wwinglin

Agree.公仔箱論壇. n' Q8 A9 @, P* X2 }
Actually, many natural drugs used today are used long time before.
2 u" `4 W. j% D# B! p& vMost native use that in their usual life.


  • wwinglin

thx 4 sharing
thanks for sharing