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Cheap Ways to protect your camera lens from fungus

1) Silica Gel

2) Silica Gel

3) Plastic Container

4) Put camera and silica gel inside the container

5) Close  the container to avoid out side air into the container

6) Frequently check the condition of the silica gel

7) If its turn to this colour, its means it already contained water  and needed to be recycle

8) 1st way to recycle by using microwave oven to adsorb the water.

9) 2nd way by cook the silica gel in a pan without oil

10) Do it until the silica gel colour turn  to bluish.

11) Put it back inside the container together with your camera and close it nicely.

[ 本帖最後由 carolfeeling 於 2008-2-12 10:04 PM 編輯 ]
will try later !!!!
if not wan clear also feel very troublesome !!
thanks for sharing~~~~~~


  • carolfeeling

thanks very much..

回復 #1 carolfeeling 的帖子

胡扯!Silica Gel是用來防潮溼。以避免鏡頭長青苔!:024:

[ 本帖最後由 pskeny 於 2008-3-31 03:00 PM 編輯 ]
thanks for sharing..
thanks for the tip
If it is too dry then may crack the lenses after long time, so becareful when using this method.. :)