心美姐姐 went Las Vegas register for married ???
yxx01 發表於 2012-1-3 05:27 PM  心美姐姐, most beautiful bride 2012
心美姐姐, the fairest of 2012
心美姐姐, the sweetest, n most beautiful lady of TVB 2012
congratulation 心美姐姐, u r the darling, and the sweetheart
of TVB n Chui Shui....no other young lady can be more perfect then
the Bride 心美姐姐 with her beautiful elegant wedding gown
It is TVB n Chui Shui, Big Day too, & Auspicious Occassion as well
Hooi Ge, and 二哥, 三哥, 四哥, would be so delighted to have the
sweetest, & fairest & most special 2012 Bride on Chui Shui..
Congratulations 心美姐姐, so so sweet to hear of u Big Day |