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[中式食譜] [煲湯] 菊花蟹肉羹(附英文版)[轉] A- B5 u+ z5 D" a9 g7 z
7 [2 _+ E  n- U- a1 ~1 A( _
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" b. q; `9 N- k( e! k& [

4 W; ^$ K* J+ {; Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb材料: 鮮黃菊 1朵
7 m+ s# Y% X5 o7 ~4 Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb薑 1片公仔箱論壇, |, ?$ h9 l) o7 m7 C
瑤柱 1至2粒
3 o/ n# `* }2 ]7 e# O% U鮮拆蟹肉 300克
- R( {8 r2 T+ A5.39.217.77豆腐 200克公仔箱論壇+ @/ m, ~- I) S& H% X  f, l7 X% g
竹笙 15克tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% a8 x: ^) |, n
蟹籽 2湯匙
# C) @, ~) W. a1 a! c蛋白 2隻
0 N- e0 e. t: T8 K/ r5 p5 |. o公仔箱論壇水 2杯: ?, }( E- G$ S; X# }+ d" [( h
上湯 3杯
4 g/ k) D# X. a公仔箱論壇
( k, [5 j2 B# c: |) \fresh chrysanthemum 1pc
* C$ \, {$ I7 N. q* b( l# Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbginger 1slice
" R; m- d" o1 N& ?6 Y) w4 f+ Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvbdried scallop 1to2pcs
' A- N' H! u0 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbfresh crab meat 300g5.39.217.77& I5 @: |0 D6 P5 T+ ^5 L+ `
bean curb 200g
" D& O- ^5 S" z+ m# xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbamboo fungus 15g: B) w5 Q9 F7 H' N' o: X$ n
crab roe 2tbsps
( \2 R9 V% D% I; U/ w4 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbegg white 2pcs5.39.217.77" f. {* m, r/ z
water 2cupstvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" g- R$ Z0 T. v8 Y
broth 3cups! @0 d. ^1 `0 ~6 y" @8 K- D5 g
4 U- U/ v' u  H  I9 u

9 R+ }& m+ q+ x4 f! G% J; q$ ]. \% l2 ^6 @$ r$ C% G& b
製法: 1. 竹笙浸於清水約1小時,再用熱水浸5分鐘,沖洗後瀝水切粒;菊花洗淨拆成瓣;豆腐切粒;瑤柱用1/2杯水浸半天再拆成絲。0 |# e& {2 R( A0 v  L
Soak bamboo fungi in water for an hour. Drain and soak in hot water for 5 minutes. Rinse, drain and dice. Rinse chrysanthemum and separate into petals. Dice bean curb. Soften dried scallops in half cup of water and shred.
0 T* L9 R' \! Y' a0 A! a2. 煲滾水、上湯,加薑及瑤柱連水,放入豆腐粒、竹笙粒煮10分鐘,然後加入蟹肉及生粉水拌勻煮滾。3 X- d/ ~# z+ A* w7 u
Boil water and broth. Add ginger and dried scallops with its water. Add bean curd and bamboo fungi, simmer for 10 minutes. Bring to boil again and stir in crab meat and thickening. Boil.
" r2 I: S3 K* H! \  d3. 最後熄火,加入拂勻的蛋白、調味料及菊花瓣,用蟹籽裝飾即成。. L& u( |( E* J# P# ?
Turn off the fire. Stir with egg whites, seasoning and petals. Garnish with crab roe.
) W' [' A5 k3 k# }7 E5.39.217.77公仔箱論壇" p0 [5 V% E4 b2 ]; W1 d$ @
, K+ f5 _* _- Q% N. }調味: 鎮江醋 1/2湯匙公仔箱論壇+ W/ k" v; s* T& C, h/ z8 c) |, ^+ \
醬油 1/2茶匙5.39.217.77) I- _4 `! B8 m5 i! X. T2 W
胡椒粉、麻油 各少許
1 ^3 ~* P' b* J1 V5.39.217.77Chinese spiced vinegar 1/2tbsp
- H+ Z3 I  l, t) Y' E) Zsoy sauce 1/2tsptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ p4 R! I7 f; j" m) y- |
pepper, sesame oil some
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