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[養寵心得] my cat don't like to drink water , help !

my cat is 1 yrs old, and she doesn't really water, so she have problem going to the bathroom sometimes. I been added water to her dry cat food to get her drink a bit more, but I'm worry it might not be good to her teeth on long term.
Any good ideas to get her drink more water by itself ???
我發覺我的貓初回家時, 我用煮滾後放涼的水給牠們喝, 牠們都不喜歡飲, 反而喜歡到水龍頭去飲水.

所以我以後便給牠們飲生水, 我嚐試過...原來生水有一些非常輕微的甜及很鮮的感覺. 怪不得我的3 隻寶貝都愛飲.

就這樣一飲16年, 才各自一隻一隻地走了.

但我現在新養的又是一樣情況, 所以我都由牠自己選擇了.
