我只喜欢嚟 路人甲 Magic Kingdom
路人甲可以開玩笑 真性情 仲意就一句 唔仲意就二句 唔會轉彎抹角 唔會笑里藏刀 
不像某些人 同佢打招呼當睇唔到 仲話做服務業 禮貌上连小孩都不如 公仔 ...
di0208 發表於 2017-4-13 10:47 PM  你暗戀我?
you are many years ahead of him because you stopped working in another country but he still work at a low class job to survive. he has sponsorship for the game so i have no idea why he is so selfish not opening to the public since it is not his money. people like that just like living in his own imaginary world and think he could bang those Jap AV stars every night.  |