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2012/2013 TVBOXNOW NBA "Yahoo" 經理人 (已截止報名)

 ,  描述: 總獎金超過$188,888,888+功勳+NBA經理人勳章 *勳章 獎金 功勳 已派出
本帖最後由 JackyNelson 於 2013-5-9 01:52 PM 編輯

Below is the settings of the league:

League ID#:********
League Name:********
Custom League URL:http://basketball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/tvboxnow
Draft Type:Live Standard Draft
Draft Time:Sat Oct 27 10:00 pm HKT (GMT +8)
Max Teams:10
Live Draft Pick Time:1 Minute, 30 Seconds
Scoring Type:Rotisserie
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season:No maximum
Max Trades for Entire SeasonNo maximum
Trade Reject Time:2
Trade End Date:  No trade deadline  
Allow Draft Pick Trades:No
Waiver Time:2 days
Waiver Type:FAAB w/ Continual rolling list tiebreak
Waiver Mode:Standard
Can't Cut List Provider:Yahoo! Sports
Trade Review:League Votes
Post Draft Players:Free Agents
Max Games Played:82
Weekly Deadline:Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on:Tuesday, Oct 30
Make League Publicly Viewable:No
Roster Positions:PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN
Players Stat Categories:Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Total Rebounds (REB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers (TO)

Useful links:
ESPN: http://games.espn.go.com/frontpage/basketball
CBSSports: http://fantasynews.cbssports.com/fantasybasketball


13 Sept added:
Explanations of Rotisserie scoring system and general strategy
報名費 TVB$ 3,838,388, 我比你~~請註冊後回貼.

but the wire transfer will be taken on April 1st, 2013, just wanna make sure members are registered for playing a whole season game.


冠軍:TVB$88,888,888 元 + 功勳300 點  + *限期一年
亞軍:TVB$66,666,666 元 + 功勳200 點 + *限期一年
季軍:TVB$33,333,333 元 + 功勳100 點  + *限期一年

a. MVP , TVB$8,888,888 元
b. Player has the Most 3 points made of Season  TVB$12,888,888 元
c. Most Improved Player TVB$12,888,888 元


管理員, 各超級版主/本版主,擁有最終的詮釋權。


  • blueocean

  • JackyNelson



  • JackyNelson

有與趣 報名


  • JackyNelson

whats the rule this time?


  • JackyNelson


本帖最後由 JackyNelson 於 2012-9-11 06:13 PM 編輯
whats the rule this time?
AKA_JOE 發表於 2012-9-11 05:28 PM
League ID#:????
League Name:XXXXXXXX
Custom League URL:http://basketball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/tvboxnow
Draft Type:  Autopick Draft
Max Teams:12
Scoring Type:  Rotisserie
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season:  No maximum
Max Trades for Entire Season  No maximum
Trade Reject Time:  2
Trade End Date:  March 7, 2013  
Allow Draft Pick Trades:  No
Waiver Time:  2 days
Waiver Type:  Continual rolling list
Waiver Mode:  Standard
Can't Cut List Provider:  Yahoo! Sports
Trade Review:  League Votes
Post Draft Players:  Follow Waiver Rules
Max Games Played:  82
Weekly Deadline:  Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on:  Tuesday, Oct 30
Make League Publicly Viewable:  No
Roster Positions:  PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN
Players Stat Categories:             Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Total Rebounds (REB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers (TO)


  • JackyNelson

Rules has not decided although I prefer rotisserie (roto).

There are 3 main types of scoring in Yahoo fantasy basketball. Rotisserie (Roto), Head-to-Head (H2H), and Points Scored (PS).

Based solely on my experience, I feel that Roto is easier and fairer for everyone. To win a Roto league players, in general, just have to draft the best possible NBA player available during the draft, and complete some trades and add/drop to fine tune a team.

H2H, on the other hand, requires players to analyse week-by-week plays and even month-by-month plays, hence implement different strategies. This actually requires players to complete more adds / drops, based on players' analysis, to maximum advantage of one team throughout that week or that month. It is not only difficult but becomes a bit unfair to those who cannot spend that much time in the game.

PS is hard to maintain fairness unless we can determine a scoring categories with supreme balance. Otherwise, some categories will be more important than the others hence some NBA players will be more effective than the rest. I believe this hurts the ultimate goal of building the best, or in other words most balanced, team just like in the real world.
本帖最後由 JackyNelson 於 2012-9-12 08:25 AM 編輯
BeiDouChef 發表於 2012-9-11 11:03 PM
u going to pick 13 players... then do daily line up .. their actual status will be your scores.
Roster Positions:          PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN
Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Total Rebounds (REB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers (TO)

u going to pick 13 players... then do daily line up .. their actual status will be your scores.
Roster Positions:          PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN
Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Fr ...
JackyNelson 發表於 2012-9-12 09:15 PM
Edit Pre-Draft Player Rankings?
    Edit Pre-Draft Player Rankings?
BeiDouChef 發表於 2012-9-12 08:38 AM
u can do your own draft ranking.. list,  like whom you wanna draft first, ...ect.. make sure, you are getting your roster balance. like having C. F. PF. SF. G .SG... all, UTL spot for all players, but C spot only for C player, for instance, you having too many C , & no PG ,, might be a big problem
I will probably cut the util spot and bench spot to one respectively.

Draft method will be discussed after the type of scoring for our league is decided. Currently we are using autopick draft which means a draft will be carried automatically by Yahoo. Hence a fixed date of the draft will be announced by the commissioner here, and by that date you should have your pre-ranking ready. The draft will take place like the one in real NBA. But the sequence of each team in the draft will be determined (randomly) by Yahoo. Whoever picks first in one round will pick last in the following round, and vice versa, to maintain fairness. The highest positioned NBA player still available (not picked) in the pre-ranking of each team will be picked when it comes to that team's turn.

For me i will always put in the order of best players to worst players in our scoring categories system. However better-than-average players in one position, such as center (C) is more difficult to get than the others, such as shooting guard, throughout the season so you should put this into consideration when you edit your pre-ranking.
遊戲的玩法就跟選秀一樣,第一輪的第一順位會在第二輪成為第十二順位,這樣依次選擇球員,總共可以選13名球員,所以共有13位球員x玩家會被選走,我們可以知道NBA數的出來的頂級明星球員大概第一輪就會被選光了,那也是不得不的選擇,挑就挑龍頭,像是目前聯盟中最有名的LeBron James,Dwyane Wade,Christ Paul…等等球星,選一個可以抵兩至三個普通球員。



  This is only a game,或許這是唯一安慰自己的想法,反正第一名也沒獎賞,只有成就感的樂趣而已s(酸葡萄)。對運動有興趣的朋友也可以試試身手,挑球員絕對會讓人有一堆想法跑出來,到底是照著自我感覺良好的刻版印象在挑球員,還是有新的顛覆的想法,搞怪一下也不錯。
14# JackyNelson