發表於 2011-10-13 10:17 PM
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本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2011-10-13 10:23 PM 編輯
tnechuan, my friend. You a one very observant person. But I don't think you've been here that long, less than 12 months? perhaps? If you stay a bit longer, spend some more time interacting with the locals, you may get a broader perspective, and understand why the streets a quiet after 10, and teenage girls dress the way they do. You may find it a bit too revealing, but to the locals, that is perfectly fine, and we are not judgmental on the individual fashion sense.
* 各國菜肴基本上百花齊放百家爭鳴,但基本上泰國菜中國菜最便宜。
Should try some Turkish cafe at Auburn, or Lebanese restaurants in Fairfield. The food there are both cheap and interesting.
And it doesn't help that some unis (UTS comes to mind) actually TEACHES in Mando, with a Mainlander teacher, and with Chinese lecture notes. But you get a full UTS degree upon completion.
Seriously, that must be confined to language class only, else criky, they should be sacked. I've heard from some students doing International Studies complaining that the Chinese language teacher (from China) are all pretty crappy too.
Now, this next one is not meant to offend people from HK or China, but this habit is really annoying.
When you need to use your mobile in public, could you please turn your own voice volumn down, it's dame rude to talk loud on public, and talking in mobile just make you worse. It's proper etiquette not to use mobile phone in public, if you really have to, can you do texting instead, or else find a quiet corner, and talk quietly.
The Japanese never talk loud in public, and I haven't seen them talking on the mobile in the bus or on the train.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow. |