就是嘛。。。都讲明3D肉蒲團。。。/ c1 O# I; @5 i& b5 W4 g
肉蒲團。。顾名思义。。。中国古代色情小说经典。。。加上3D。。。 E" ] ^# a) I6 Q& h
进场后。。。名不副实。。。物无所值。。。 , D* R; u/ T3 e: V7 Q# M9 @4 O0 {) H5.39.217.77不把他祖宗十八代念一遍。。。已经是很。。。mmm! ... 0 S, b7 q2 h( Gjialangzhong 發表於 2011-5-26 11:12 AM
公仔箱論壇! r) D9 i8 s3 M" B6 O
; T9 C* f' E- N4 \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI went on line to watched 3D肉蒲團 just now to grasp the picture. But I did not finished the AV. It was more of a Bin Tai Hung Bo (cantonese) 3D 肉蒲團. It's was more like watching some weird psychopathic orgy's then some erotic AV. & g% J1 w/ m& `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 2 v# [1 Y) Y8 J6 j1 PI rather watch Kung Fu Panda 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 or the Hangover 2. The cats on u signature r so very cute n charm hehe.