我12月19日的願望是: 撞我后面架車的保險公司能够早日賠足我同我前面架車的全部損失
我要選16 號驚喜禮物包.
mnb1123 發表於 2017-12-19 11:40 AM
not sure how the system works in your state...
all cars in my province purchase basic coverage through the government so it is a lot easier for the claim procedures. just have the police report sent to the insurance adjuster and wait...
just 5cm today but too many idiots on the roads... you remember i live up on the mountain right? i was following a car with all season or summer tires this afternoon. he couldn't stop at the stop sign and was lucky didn't got t-boned from the other direction car. just about three minutes later he couldn't turn because front wheels locked up and the car hit the curb.