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本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-2 01:47 AM 編輯
猫猫 big win what?
ADTVB 發表於 2011-12-2 01:43 AM
wah   u cetainly look so very good

all ready for X'mas celebration n parties

so cheerful and handsome
where u get u new outfit
and ornaments

all dressed up n with u bow tie
u going out on a date later?
No la, 我讀得書少
go2david 發表於 2011-12-2 01:44 AM
if u 讀得書少  
i will be K level
knock knock anyone home

david san 猫猫猫 is waiting !!!!
hurry up hurry!
David san win ball ball
goldmonk 發表於 2011-12-2 09:02 PM
david san so lucky
choi san yeh soong $$ to david san

david san buying u dinner  Gold
thx mrs lin lin kimmi
goldmonk 發表於 2011-12-2 10:43 PM
my name is kimmicat or keikei not linlin
keikei not linlin
the cat cat kimmi8k
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-2 11:03 PM 編輯

can i change u name to mr lemon

Xian Ju lin

if u allow me to address u Gold Xian Ju lin
I let u call me linlin
what u match u ?
lilitan008 發表於 2011-12-3 12:13 AM
u wanna open a Match Making Thread at chui shui
here in NY the chinese from china, if u introduced
to someone a mate, n if they eventually got married
they will pay you Hung Bao US$3300

But if u engaged to get married, n later decided to
change u mind n not get married, it is the same like
you rent a house.

U have to pay, the other party half the dowry money
civicboy1969 發表於 2011-12-3 08:13 AM
u oledi potong? (cut)
no potong how to be eligible 4 wives?
u not afraid u 大老婆, take half u properties n money ?
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-3 10:04 AM 編輯

lilitan008 發表於 2011-12-3 08:17 AM
Linlin u got unique taste d..
quite surprising wor!!!
u have a weakness 4 XXXL

Will see a ghost when make up is removed

the head look like bear bear 815 wor
u across the street she can see u a not
thx lemon ... explain to kimmi
goldmonk 發表於 2011-12-3 12:04 AM
kimmi will kill lin lin soon
goldmonk 發表於 2011-12-3 08:27 AM
cat only drink milk n eat fish d..
only lions n tigers kill for meat
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-3 10:56 PM 編輯

hi cat cat, dr cat n av1,,,today david san not home eh!!  Family day eh.
Hve a gd weekend then

Goldmonk not around too, go dating  with Xian Ju Ling oledi  lo...n X'mas shopping
enjoy u dating n shopping la Gold Ling

Milk is so yummy..mm..mmm!!