發表於 2010-4-22 07:03 AM
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本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2010-4-22 07:10 AM 編輯 149# kimmi8k
孔子;儒家 is chinese treasure;
but S KOREA have it
in CHINA ;people do like animal........
playlord 發表於 2010-4-21 05:47 PM  Just luv being online w u, cos u always so fun n humorous, but with point too. When I read this today I was laughing so hard n almost uncontrollable. It just amused me, but you have a fact here. It is very true tt majority of Chinese in china especially fr the villages they don't look at pets like u n me. In urban society pets r consider as a member of / family n is well pampered w animal saloons n pet treats. N this animals r like an adorable baby or friend towards / family.However, in China, especially rural china it is very diff.
Let me illustrated your point further w my experiences. I often have / opportunity to meet Chinese fr China here n most r fr / rural or village parts n provinces. Majority of them eat dogs, n rats. And many Shanghainese I met told me they also eat cats. N I just can't believed what I was hearing tt they eat monkey brains too, n alive..I felt like puking!!! O god Cat tt meow in Spring u better stay aloof w who u socialize w now... hahaha! Even if u have 9 lives u died 10 times.!!!! I was argueing w them so much about humanity w pets n animals but ...really we r actually of 2 diff worlds w very diff sets of values about life...we cannot enter each other's world or even blend in. Just gave up now, don't argue anymore about this topic.
I am an animal lover n I luv nature n / great outdoors n looking at beautiful photos...absolutely no pets meal...!!!!
note~~now i can understand n see / pic ..../ magic about U korean affair. hahaha
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things |