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aiya ya ya! i need take a break
no helping hang ... for me
i need some fresh air oledi
恭喜lin lin and kimmi
goldmonk 發表於 2011-12-1 10:09 PM
Chowold, Mr Gold invited linlin n me to be his best man la
U received the wedding reception invitation from u email yet

SOS chowold....i need helping hand
but now i go take some fresh air first
linlin I will go get your guess money later
chowold2 發表於 2011-12-1 10:23 PM
which section u play game n win money
big money ka?
Kimmi 真貼心
go2david 發表於 2011-12-1 10:18 PM
SOS CALL 911 SOS 411 I need help hand ah

sos 999  halp!!
lhy92725 發表於 2011-12-1 10:35 PM
some one 2 shy 2 ask u address
do u mind?

will book the next flight fr HK airport
努力, 支持你
go2david 發表於 2011-12-1 10:36 PM
u dun hear 开饭 ma
still not set the table yet
hello bone cat
someone so happy to see u entrance
what u having for lunch?
where u heading off for u lunch break?
CC517 發表於 2011-12-1 11:58 PM
i c this 白果 appearing often
r u guys referring to a noun or a verb

i mean u guys talking about a person
or a subject...confusing me wor
CC517 發表於 2011-12-2 01:08 AM
i still dunno what u mean wor
can u make it more clear
white nuts is eat peanuts

also please do u mind to check 4 me if i pasted the right banzu now

CC517 發表於 2011-12-2 01:18 AM
Gold write this >>  who 食白果

y he don't write eat peanuts n instead 食白果
what does he mean by that
i c this 白果 every now n then
confusing me alright
食白果呀, 要不要?
go2david 發表於 2011-12-2 01:32 AM
y u guys always eat 白果 everyday
n sometimes u guys mentioned 白果 as someone
gd9 gd8 AV1
eat 白果 as verb: get nothing
白果 as noun: people with nothing
go2david 發表於 2011-12-2 01:37 AM
honky donky
now everything seem to make senses now
like things r falling in the right places
gotcha thanks so much david
n u have a gd one...gd9 n gd8
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-2 01:44 AM 編輯

david u good with english...u english so much above my chinese wor
so good u english

u chinese must be straight A...can challenge with chowold d