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Gallas reveals rift in Arsenal dressing-room

Arsenal skipper William Gallas has revealed rifts in the dressing roomundermining the club's current campaign and has suggested his team-mates havebeen unsettled by one member of the squad.

The French defender has been criticised for his leadership.

Gallas has called Arsene Wenger's side ''not brave enough in battle'' and hasurged them to fight to revive a season that has already included four Premier League defeats.
The 31-year-old also claims that some of his team-mates have approached him tocomplain about one member of the squad. Gallas would not reveal the player'sidentity but revealed the team-mate to be six years younger than him.
"There are things that can't be said and can't be tolerated," Gallas said on the Times website."When, as captain, some players come up to you and talk to you about aplayer ... complaining about him ... and then during the match youspeak to this player and the player in question insults us.
"Therecomes a time where we can no longer comprehend how this can happen. Iam trying to defend myself a bit without giving names. Otherwise I'mtaking all the blame. It's very frustrating. I'm 31, the player is sixyears younger than me.
"There was a problem at half-time atTottenham.The only thing that I could say at half-time was 'Guys, weresolve these problems after the match, not at half-time.'"
Currently there are four 25-year-olds in the squad: Robin Van Persie, Emmanuel Eboue, Eduardo and Bacary Sagna, although it is not clear who the offending player is.
Gallasalso believes the youngsters emerging into Arsene Wenger's team lackthe stomach required to cope with physical matches and fears that lackof fortitude could shatter their already faint title hopes.
"Weare not brave enough in battle," Gallas said. "I think we need to besoldiers. We have to be warriors. There are teams who can do it wellagainst us, and we have to be able to face up to these attacks.
"Weare coming up against teams who are not scared to play football againstus, who are not scared to take us on at our place, and this is becomingdangerous for Arsenal."
Gallas has yet to win a trophy sincemoving to Arsenal from London rivals Chelsea in 2006 and the Gunnersare nine points behind league leaders Chelsea are losing four matchesalready this season.
The centre-back is growing increasingly frustrated by the team's failure to challenge for silverware.
"Ihave to win something this year. I have to win something, Arsenal hasto win something," Gallas said. "It's four or five years since Arsenalwon anything. That's nearly five years, and that's not good.
"Forme the title is not over, it's true that we are nine points behindChelsea, but you have to be optimistic and you can't give up.
"Fourdefeats is a lot, but it's a long season. I think it will be very tightthis year and we will have to hope that Chelsea draw a few games andhave a few defeats."
原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2008-11-21 12:36 PM 發表
一位啱啱加入第一季嘅球员 可以获得10号 而且仲做迈队长??
我觉得除咗法国球员认同之外 其他国籍球员应该都唔几LIKE。 ...
yes..... i think it too...... now this few match arsenal defence is not that ok..... i think Gallas is not suitable become a captain....
原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2008-11-21 01:36 PM 發表

i think Almunia n Toure also can de...... how you think about??