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原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-30 09:52 AM 發表

not my fault...I am too popular
everyone likes blue blue
or maybe because everyone likes 花心
又黎啦! 花花口!
I am away for a while, see you later on!
原帖由 feimiao0 於 2008-12-2 05:24 AM 發表
我聽到啦! 原來你係咁樣 ga  貓貓! 失望呀!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-12-2 10:50 AM 發表

don't worry...I am very generous
有幾 generous 先!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-2 08:47 AM 發表

hi juju ! haven't seen u for a while too !!
Boy Boy fe fe 又 put you on the table la!
Boy Boy. 仲未訓覺呀?   我喜歡呢類歌! 覺得開心D!
有冇方法囉左你首歌呀? 我唔識做呀!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-4 03:47 PM 發表

This is the link :


I'm going to sleep la !!
Have a good dream, dream a sexy girl! ha ha!
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Blue Blue, Boy Boy, JuJu, water water, say hi to all!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-6 06:29 AM 發表

Cogr. u got the prize of $88000 !! for your post 5288 !!
Boy Boy, this area has 金樓? I didn't knwo!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-6 06:31 AM 發表

hi sexy cow girl !!  
U got the link to the sound on utube ?
The drumb part is really special, right ?  
sexy cow girl is your Christmas gift! Don't you love it ?
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-6 06:34 AM 發表

I'm so disappointed that the promotion is not enough !!
But I'm also happy to know that u are not just coming in for the $ !!
I don't want to win your $$$ as you pay a lot, then you are getting poor and poor . (I was known by JuJu) a few pages before!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-6 06:35 AM 發表

what is that ?
I call her sexy cow girl because she sent me a pic of a cow dancing !!
Boy Boy,don't feel angry, just for fun, don't small air!
I am looking for a laser printer, only for printing black and while, no others, In my opinion, I love hp! The price is under $120,  is any suggestion?  I am doing homework now, away for a while!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-6 06:46 AM 發表

And I'm not small air that felix also know it !

I'm not angry at u at all !
Just don't understand what booboo say,  u know what is the problem of the word cow in chinese  ? ...
I only know, 做牛做馬咋喎!仲有其他解釋?