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原帖由 cck_my 於 9/9/2008 13:10 發表

PLS help me find her ASAP
ok~~cck~~ i'll help u PM her and tell her u will marry her when she come here
原帖由 DOBI 於 9/9/2008 13:18 發表

u always rob $$ with me...y dun u join my family? rob$ family!!!
hey~ i go shower first~~come back soon~~
原帖由 maui 於 9/9/2008 13:24 發表
ok wait u ar....!!!!
hihi~ i'm back
原帖由 DOBI 於 9/9/2008 13:50 發表

we r the same kind ~ u also 衰 j~
原帖由 DOBI 於 9/9/2008 13:56 發表

..... ....

devil lying~~~~~~
原帖由 DOBI 於 9/9/2008 15:17 發表
哥哥要我瞓嘞 佢話我日曰冇精神喎 ........今日要係咁先嘞
原帖由 DOBI 於 9/9/2008 15:21 發表

...is big big bro ma? ....

Thanks wor~
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 9/9/2008 15:30 發表
JJ, 還無人徵婚!!? 看來TVB男人不喜歡SM
let me ask ask my big bro if he likes SM (gentle)~~ he seems a bit like u~~hohoho
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 9/9/2008 15:34 發表

.....my big bro = hendy...my family master ~
原帖由 hendytiu 於 9/9/2008 15:41 發表

Big bro~~ go shopping & buy SM clothes la
原帖由 qqbubu 於 9/9/2008 15:45 發表

yam yam back office  have meeting quicly
can i go with u ?~
原帖由 hendytiu 於 9/9/2008 15:45 發表

u crazy ar...
big bro~~ u   sweet cherie, so u have to be SM gar~~she likes SM v. much
原帖由 必胜_Win 於 9/9/2008 15:48 發表
hihi~ 必胜_Win

Welcome ar~~
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 9/9/2008 15:58 發表

sweet cherie~~think think my big bro la~~

see his acct -

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