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wow... this activity is nice... support ya... hehe...:onion05:
hope can see more leng lui join...:014:
nx time make one for guy...
Darkn3t,KIMKIM8037 and 小☆天使 so pretty....:014:
they can be in top 3 oledi....
hope got more and more gals join and support that activity...
and by that, we can know more tvb member face....

回復 #54 shannon0730 的帖子

I'm not 靓仔, but will join tvbnow靓仔大赛 for support....  

回復 #58 小☆天使 的帖子

真面目? tat is funny... bt 真人 is 靚女...
shannon0730 say


if find out got people 作弊, fast fast report.....

回復 #68 sylk 的帖子

yaya... 觉得很真实的...
need more 宣传 and hope got more people join....

回復 #70 lyw1114hk 的帖子

support Darkn3t,KIMKIM8037 and 小☆天使
任盈盈 also support....
有人将参选的女生Kimkim8037放在 美女貼圖區 » 會放電眼的鄰家小妹妹!..
Kimkim8037 的相片是真的还是假的??  令人怀疑。
有新女wjolene 放相上去。
lyhui 都几可爱下。越来越多人参加。好事来得。
xiiaovonxz 好可爱!
hope more and more gals join.... :onion14:
小☆天使‧Darkn3t,xiiaovonxz,yhui 每一位都很靚。。很难选。。。
投Darkn3t 一票。。。