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disgusting :L

you two please do that in your room
how embarrass !!
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-2 06:40 PM 發表

我岩岩係房出黎咋喎~~  kakaka

OMG, then you have heard
my talk with your husband just now ?

OH NO !!!
I acted so lusty just now

but I swear that its he who lure me !!!!
blog ??
where !?
Oh yes, I see it !

maybe thats something they have not activated yet !?
I cant press the button "Blog" next to your name
inside that page ...
Oh then can u rite anything on it ??

Let me try :p
BTTVB 論壇 » Blog » andone

I cant write anything on it yet
and their 在線用戶: 1 (thats me !)
any progress ?
yeah, your man went out quietly  (very suspicious !)
well mum, if no kids back yet
I would go out for my date now

( or should I go out and take them back !? )

haha :P

impossible !!
how come the husband dont even know about his wife
is that kind of 盲婚啞嫁 ??
you like jogging !?

well we have some common interest :p
lets go together !
cu later
40 !

still your are elegant at that age
dont need to lie to us, mum :P
Mum you know mine already

thankyou for considering me
as the baby-sitter :p
原帖由 echobe 於 2006-8-2 07:31 PM 發表
how are u all??
Hello madamn,
I am new here,

I am the baby sitter of your
younger brothers :p