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so good hoh, all coursemate also like to play forum, my coursemnate all join but so lazy 2 play, jx left me alone active here haha

回應 raytian 第 169 篇文章

don step until the floor break, haha
gabriel if u can score, u better go in local uni, i not mean private uni not good

but just is tat if go in local uni can save many money

回應 hendytiu 第 174 篇文章

me also hv many best fren but they jx lazy, they all wan earn real money only, nex time hv wat earn money program count me in

im sorry tat i cant join ur family cox im hv feel with 天空之城 family liao cox join long time liao, hehe

[ 本帖最後由 ivan282 於 2008-7-20 09:27 PM 編輯 ]
gabriel from penang

回應 hendytiu 第 186 篇文章

support u wat? nw i come in chui shui is support lo, haha
raytian study now or working?
i go yumcha now lo, later just come bck haha

bye bye

don miss me so much all

回應 hendytiu 第 203 篇文章

im here now, don hv so many hand 2 go there type later la

go yumcha lo
come chui shui ba, im here
meaningless answer but also good answer
where everyone go???
i come attack
8am class 2molo, gogogo
im final year now, now stil so free, later will  start very bz
relax relax relax