原帖由 sayming90 於 2008-8-16 05:13 PM 發表 公仔箱論壇2 y& R6 \ \! f4 G4 _2 g
i tried before. my ex girlfriend told me that she want break up. then i just very sad but i never ask her that dont leave me. after a year, she just told me that actually she want me to tell her that ... ]9 M7 L y6 Y+ E0 r8 e
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i know...but at the end...she still want to break...so i respect her... m: T9 {' U6 c" \, ] d; c) ?" K) r
what makes me confuse is, now she keep on find me chat....ask me why treat her so cool...
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# @1 H, Z% T2 `4 `From the second she don't meet me even i wait her 5hours there, my heart is dead....
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so girl......if you really don't hope to leave the person you love....please don't say or do something to hurt them....% B5 ^+ V3 t9 z& U. u; e- K( i
actually man's heart is not as strong as u think... |