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hi all!!!!!! how are u all!!!!!!
:019: :019: :019:
that means i am in the middle of no where
離開潛水 哈哈

回復 #111 天使_琪 的帖子

morning. me night time la.

回復 #121 bourget 的帖子

3:14am just finish work jar....

otherwise how can i pay dinner for woofy

回復 #126 天使_琪 的帖子

just finish work...want to eat somthing but once again......no food!!!!!:019:

回復 #129 yang5301 的帖子

i got no food...:019:
i will get to ur place in 30 mins, my style
and angel ar, no one here will sell food 3:00am ga
anyone want breakfast from 天使_琪  hands up:014:

回復 #141 天使_琪 的帖子

u have 7-11 me have nothing eleven 
天使_琪  three people breakfast please.

回復 #154 zacwoon 的帖子

wai we have not got that much wor.....shineboy still no pay us yet
wah i eat i die ga