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原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-11-1 05:20 AM 發表
i meet dobi sin la~~cu~blue ocean & manyiu~~~
byebye JJ...
and byebye dobi


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 05:24 AM 發表

Hi, 我今晚冇得玩囉糖, 要返夜學呀!
school on halloween
you are so hard working


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 05:25 AM 發表

Where will you go? 下午茶?
they go out for lunch ar
so, now it's only me and you here...we are alone


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 05:26 AM 發表

哈! just a 興趣班!
what class is that ar...what do you learn in that class ar....cooking
btw,how did you get so rich


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 05:45 AM 發表

I learn how to use some special software, such as Wondershare , PhotoArtist2  優化 XP...something like that in 興趣班! Therefore, I am very poor as I can't make money from those 技術! If I open a bus ...
haha, you are a computer geek
when I said you are rich....I mean in tvbnow...not real life
TVB: 136582009 元


原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-1 05:51 AM 發表

busy at work !  
I'd like to go trick and treats tonight !!  
you are funniest guy if you go trick or treat


原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2008-11-1 05:50 AM 發表
have fun...littel dick dick


原帖由 Geai 於 2008-11-1 06:11 AM 發表
back la   all finish today
G gor gor...remember to share your prize $$ with me when JJ give you ar


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 06:18 AM 發表

哈, 試過有D鬼仔, 成 6' 高黎問囉糖果, 都唔識睇佢地係唔係真係好細, 但是都俾 2 片 佢地! 試過有次佢地囉住個 Recycle Box 黎載糖果, 哈! 好多細路哥用枕頭袋裝添啊呀! 474373 ...
it's ok for a 6 foot guy to 囉糖 is he looks like young and like a kid
but boyboy....


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 06:25 AM 發表

I guess BoyBoy may over 18 haha!474377
you haven't explain why you have so much tvb$$ wor
I am going to have dinner in one hour or so....but that picture....totally ruin my appetite


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 06:39 AM 發表

I don't know how to delete it. Sorry about that! 474380
you have a lot to learn...little girl
but that kiss make up everything
I am happy again
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原帖由 Geai 於 2008-11-1 06:41 AM 發表

errr   I use vista    my gif not moving  
I heard that there is a new window coming out next year
is it true


原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-1 06:48 AM 發表

I only can delete the icon from the web, but can't delete the icon from my hard drive 呀! 死啦, 我驚 Blue Blue 食咁多咁多! 早知佢唔受得刺激我就唔玩啦! 474382
let me be the nice guy and teach you la
remember to check the boxes
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water de de and G gor gor
trick or treat
give me $$ to buy candy ar


原帖由 Geai 於 2008-11-1 07:05 AM 發表

too much bad for teeth ka
it's just once a year je
I want $$ to buy candy
give me...G gor gor

