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回應 blueocean 第 3184 篇文章

bro. you live in us too very nice to meet you here but wat state you live?i live in oregon state

回應 bubu1109 第 3224 篇文章

yes the old version no good hopefully they will upgrade a new version soon because people always beating share on same monster

回應 junli1421 第 3231 篇文章

5 pet dollar for 1 tvb dollar
有無人肯送我機張 雙陪經驗卡 啊?plz

回應 blueocean 第 3235 篇文章

apperciate bro. this one very helpfull for me!wow you got a lot of tvb dollar wondering how did you make dat much money! stealing from people lol(just joking)
請問喜糖吃左會加D咩...重有神秘寶石同必殺之劍既出現率係機多啊?因為我好機時都打到2~4顆神秘寶石到以家一共吃左104顆賣左10~20顆左右,但係沒打到必殺之劍想出現率係機多?anyone can tell me the rate
各位兄弟姐妹, 細老甘日清左倉庫擺晒D裝備物品係二手市場賣,仲賣得好低價, 得閑沒野做可以去看看噶不過要記得順便幫襯下喔!!

回應 ice.key 第 3311 篇文章

  you better stop there and wait for me i will chase to your level too lol

回應 ice.key 第 3317 篇文章

原來追到要罰1000萬噶!? 甘我都死蛇懶蟮攤係度打怪算啦 因為呢排又要返工又追溏心2又下載drama搞到沒時間打怪level up tim...
原帖由 ice.key 於 2008-8-26 03:42 AM 發表

你都唔知我既網速係0.03秒打一次怪超快個只,以呢個SPEED買10張雙陪加三陪經驗卡,再來個幻影分身術,再用5000點EXP藥水... 去到十機轉對我來講只係時間問題,我用左兩個禮拜時間前由3轉5XX級打到以家9轉3XX級連續6轉啊呵呵~
重有啊每日係網度少於10個鐘添,i just dunt want to make people upset if my level high then other people lol
dats right everyone we should ask buddha to upgrade the new version so we dunt have to stay on the same map with a high level!

dunt scary me...800level only got 1~2% even use the triple exp card... support new version increase new map and monster and items more!
原帖由 ice.key 於 2008-8-26 04:50 AM 發表

係超痛苦呀...~~~我以前3轉時用一天時間就升到5轉...~~~還要只係用2倍exe 卡...~~~5轉時一天升2轉...~~~到10轉時一,二天都可以升到1轉...~~~都14轉升15轉...要幾天才升到呀...~~~ 現在升到都沒 ...
so i think i better stay with lower turn n level,貧道都係靜心修養等如來佛祖加新版再打怪啦,看見大家甘痛苦我都係得閑打下怪撿下野攞去賣maybe i will be rich by selling some rare items lol

回應 ice.key 第 3334 篇文章

when you going to sell your rare equipments please let me know or sent me a messager thanks gals
我想用2顆神秘寶石換一把必殺之劍(2顆係二手市場賣到四百機萬~五百萬左右我知perfectman收購跟神秘寶石如果你賣2320000~2450000一顆佢應該會買)有意者請PM我waiting for any who reply... 完Done Done No More!!!完

完Thanks to ice.key for exchange items,NO More Exchange For This Sword!完

[ 本帖最後由 kylefunny 於 2008-8-26 06:49 AM 編輯 ]