唔係我唔想上啊, 個OS網站都唔知點解甘多人用, 搞到我慢晒同有個甘既短信:服務器忙碌中,不能DISPLAY http 500 error problem~~重有呢排工作有D忙啊,所以來跟呢兩個禮拜都可能上陣間咂...我去訓覺啦甘多位兄弟姐妹!~very miss you all want to talk with you all ~~~~~~~~
hey bubu i just deposit some equipments to our 家族倉庫 please check it out,if you have times please update the number too~so see later~~ i go to rob more equipments from people~hehe~ From:your dear lovely 石頭奸商~ see you all our brother and sister~