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回應 bubu1109 第 2974 篇文章

多謝bubu1109上次你俾左20顆復活石我今次又俾紅寶石,係時候輪到我回返少少禮俾"兄弟幫寵物"啦!please have it 暗雲巨劍4,藍鑽項鏈3,狂暴盔甲2,敏捷之靴2,耐力之靴2,超大型MP藥水30,復活寶石17(本來一顆都無,你俾左我之後我一日裡面打到有50顆復活寶石你話搞唔搞笑啊)治療術領悟之書6,催眠術領悟之書5,等等...希望幫到兄弟幫寵物請笑納Support buddy group!

回應 afpd 第 2982 篇文章

始終都係DEPEND ON個掉寶率囉,不過真係好LUCKY連續打十幾怪都拾到RECIVIVING STONE我好記得係不停甘拾到,and wish you can found 50双法神之靴but i think we need more 掉寶率 1st lol

回應 bubu1109 第 2984 篇文章

dont mention it buddy just want work together N make buddy group grows more strong!ttyl
please can i have one 必殺之劍 ?or i will buy it from you,i check out the store price is 5000 pet dollar can we make a deal?

回應 假書僮 第 3062 篇文章

100000寵物幣enough for you?any items you want i will give you what i can give it out

回應 bubu1109 第 3071 篇文章

i already turn in my birth day date
but my b-day has been pass sniff...
bubu sama 可唔可以俾200顆紅寶石我啊 please i need it for level up

回應 jjj9930 第 3098 篇文章

thank kyu very much buddy!

回應 bubu1109 第 3108 篇文章

oh i see i can exchange for tvb dollar thats great new for me and how about do you buy any 神秘寶石?i can sell it to you if you want buy some

apperciate for your help(stone)

回應 bubu1109 第 3110 篇文章

bubu兄一手交錢一手交貨5比1嘿嘿...寵物幣 bubu1109 1000000 送禮 2008-08-20 23:37:35
另外送你陀地費(贊助俾你)嘿嘿嘿...大地術領悟之書 bubu1109 20 送禮 2008-08-20 23:38:23

回應 后勤部长 第 3122 篇文章

我要一把"必殺之劍"Killer Sword得唔得啊 please

回應 后勤部长 第 3124 篇文章

me too hard to get one man take me long time to beating monster anyways thanks

回應 后勤部长 第 3169 篇文章

唔好意思兄弟...我講我都用左好多時間打左好耐都打唔到 必殺劍...

另加: 希望佛祖快D加新版本啦, 應該會有"特殊商店"?如果有到時D必殺劍就變得再唔值錢啦呵呵...