叻女 = HK人??
所以咪固定用繁體囉 ^^
我用廣東話係因為呢度係HK嘅論 ...
blacker14tt 發表於 2009-8-3 08:58 PM  叻女 = HK人??
小心比永遠佢地打 <================= don't misunderstand my words o_o'! i say you are clever girl because u seem to know many things and know many languages, didn't say because of the "HK girl" x_x
xD i'm using NJStar to type chinese ga........ i prefer traditional chinese lool grow with it la.. since little my family rent tvb drama and have subtitle so just learn to recognize the word by myself lor... and come here blow water also can upgrade my chinese lvl ^^
type cantonese chinese la ^^ i feel more 親切 |