20060420 當前離線
我相信你妈妈一定会这样做。。。 版主不可以吹水的吗??难得有空进来吹吹,既然被你讲。。。我闪咯。。。 你答对了,家庭吹水区版主是靓姐,我只是见版罢了。。。 ... ngls 發表於 2009-7-3 02:46 PM
hui姐又再打我了 肮脏你的头 你到底是在称赞我还是在踩我啊 allex84 發表於 2009-7-3 03:34 PM
衰得过你 我怎样都是永远最受女仔疼锡,青睐,爱慕,崇拜,仰慕,关爱的那位 allex84 發表於 2009-7-3 03:41 PM
lazy to go down stairs... you all climb so fast.. had someone said bad things about me??? i guess allex must have 'stepped' on me... hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 04:31 PM
hui jie, so touch to be able to see u again... miss everyone here... mingzai, tommy, jimmy, mao mao...and 1 animal.. hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 04:40 PM
hi... sister mickey and jia er... so happy that u girls are still here... sis mickey please help me in my farm... hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 04:58 PM
tommy仔。。。 我是聪明人。。。 dream1972 發表於 2009-7-3 05:00 PM
yes.. i'm here... need to give intravenous fluid as fast as possible... hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 05:02 PM
we are all prisoners... she came in just to see whether we behave well or not... hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 05:05 PM
刚刚偷咗,点help? mickeybblim 發表於 2009-7-3 05:06 PM
so 'yam jian'.. dare to ask huijie 包双倍或三倍... don't force everyone to be like u... hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 05:10 PM
me border u ma..... see..... bu right Im need to go home dy... but bcos of u... I stay.... dream1972 發表於 2009-7-3 05:10 PM
i'm in cyber cafe. here don't have chinese input. everyone can understand then never mind la/.. look at u... the first thing to do is vomit... hunter_87 發表於 2009-7-3 05:12 PM