本帖最後由 monfan 於 2009-9-12 06:08 PM 編輯 i can open my external hard disk from other pc but mine.........!!!!!....i think is my pc problem!
garrick_ling 發表於 2009-9-10 11:12 PM  移除所有usb端口設備,重新掃描安裝驅動。可能是端口辯認驅動出錯了,請每次正確地、安全地移除移動設備,一般不要隨便拔出。
delete all usb host controller from the Device Manager,then reinstall them,maybe it's the driver problem with usb host controller。safety and probably remove external hard disk from PC
否則拆開硬盤盒,檢測線路是否松脫。從新插好 |