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Jun-4 is coming. What do you feel? Thank you very much for your sharing.
The students start the hunger strikes till 4-Jun. Will you supoort them? Thank you very much for your sharing.
Today is 4-Jun. What do you feel about China freedom? Thank you very for your sharing.
4-Jun is it a big day for you? Thank you very much for your sharing.
4-Jun is finsihed. What is your preference? Thank you very much for sharing.
Do you think one car or more than one cars to kill the cows? Thank you very much for sharing.
Have you feed with your daily bread (ie daily news)? Thank you very much for sharing.
News like our air. You cannot live without it. Thank you very much for sharing.
Any breaking news about the Central Occupation Group? Thank you very much for sharing.
Hongkong has a VIP from USA.  Thank you very much for sharing.
It's a funny thing that the North Korean government invites South Korea to talk as no one care about the crying kid for candy. Thank you very much for sharing.
Are you proud of Chinese for space research? How about the people who are living in the village that walk hundreds of kmetres to get drinking water every day? Thank you very much for your sharing.
Thanks for feeding us with the daily news.
Any news about the USA agent in Honkong? He is still hiddening himself? Thank you very much for sharing.
Any news about Edward Snowdon? Is he still hidding in Hongkong? Thank you very much for sharing.