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5 days ago wor
goldmonk 發表於 2011-10-3 11:40 AM
ya...after blow just brief us not allow us to go inside.
last 2 days only allow us to go in and take our things
wow take so long time
go2david 發表於 2011-10-3 11:48 AM
they need to clear the place , make sure is safe then only let us in
ching own the shop or lease ga ?
goldmonk 發表於 2011-10-3 11:49 AM
lease ...inside shopping mall all lease
so what are you doing in these 5 years? open another shop in other place?
go2david 發表於 2011-10-3 11:52 AM
5 days ago not 5 years....
the management of the mall say they will reopen in 1 mths time ....
but now I have no $$$ to renovate the shop , need to wait 4 insurance
no method la ... this yr is not a gd yr
goldmonk 發表於 2011-10-3 11:57 AM
actually only few shops involved , just happen to be one of them
雀爷 .... I NEED $$$$
Oh I see...so the only thing you can do now is waiting...
go2david 發表於 2011-10-3 11:57 AM
wait for insurance lo
if need to use a lot $$ to reopen .. should consider talk with management to terminate the lease
goldmonk 發表於 2011-10-3 11:59 AM
may consider ask them to reduce the rent...
got nothing to use for refinance ....
renovation no insurance covered
ask yr hk relative to refinance ... just remind you ... even the mall reopen i think ppl will not back there for short time
goldmonk 發表於 2011-10-3 12:12 PM
金爷memory so good ....
not good to bother ppl la
i believe the mall can reopen in 1 mth because they want to make $$$ also ...
but really need to reconsider want to continue or not ...
hidden news ??
ching ??? y ??