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hello everyone..im back ...now at Taiwan for traveling...hehe....how u all?still fine??
this last 2 weeks realy boring bcause cannot on9 at macau n hk....sad..
n finaly at taiwan my friend's house got internet so i can on9 again..
OMG just 2 weeks didnt on9 im bcome 初級忍者..... =((  sad....
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-10-21 01:33 AM 發表。

dont be sad la
thx s30wrt...i woundnt give up...
so got any bad or good news in this 2 weeks??
Hello....just wake up :P
hey 天一 long time no see u on9 woh...
原帖由 天一 於 2006-10-25 11:08 PM 發表。

在大马吾见你上来, 在此香港你就gam挂Ju TVB, 真是难得拉。。。。
haha....而家at Taiwan 左.....using wireless on9 ...
而家好期待想玩Need For Speed - Carbon.....7 days remainding....:'(
原帖由 天一 於 2006-10-25 11:22 PM 發表。

hai 台湾玩。。。。。
no wander didnt saw you at msn n tvbnow lah.....
now realy lag....open web page too slow...cant do anything.....go sleep 1st (lagging bcause now got 5 ppl bting.....haiz..)
c u all tmr lah.....=((
hello....it seem no one here.....b-(
yap....i'm wil back to kl on 07nov bah...? haven comfirm yet.....
but sure back to hometown on 08nov
and now searching for new version of PCSX 2 that can fully play GT4......hehe...
how abt you 天一 ??how r u now??

[ 本帖最後由 asus_p2_vb 於 2006-10-26 12:20 PM 編輯 ]
hi livywong......
原帖由 天一 於 2006-10-26 12:20 PM 發表。
me now at UTAR lah.........
very boring lah......
skip class.........
haha...always skip cls ^:)^  ^:)^
ei...need to go now....eat lunch liao.....so hungry now....:-O
chat later ....bb