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原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-19 10:51 AM 發表

me is always like that de loh............
just is u not so 了解 me only.........
原來你gem幽默gah....點解我唔知geh???  >.<
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-9-19 10:55 AM 發表

keke i will try ga la...... only if ppl can be more careful lolx
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-19 10:59 AM 發表

me say edi mah..........
u still not 了解 me lah........
u come to find me more lah.........
then u will know edi.........
:L 我好想嘔..... ^^
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-19 11:01 AM 發表

nvm de........
then no ppl will know de....................
u not need to scare.............
先奸后杀夠meh??你因該係先奸后杀,再奸再杀...gem樣zi係你geh本性.... ^&^
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-9-19 11:07 AM 發表

omggg..... that's sooo immoral lolx.....先奸后杀,n then 再奸再杀.... feel soo bad 4 grandpa... keke
haha...just kidding lah...^^
away for a while..chat later
go eat dinner 1st .....^^
hi every one ^^
so boring ar.....boring like hell ....calm -.-''
原帖由 HIDE 於 2006-9-23 04:32 PM 發表
我部電腦無得救了 =V=
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-23 06:30 PM 發表
u no wtching movie oh...??
watching movie??? who?/
no lah...juat now finish play the most wanted...im the black list #1 haha ^^....