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標題: 碧咸笑話 [打印本頁]

作者: halu2047    時間: 2010-4-22 02:09 AM     標題: 碧咸笑話

Who's David Beckham

Snow White, Arnold Swcharzenegger and Saddam Hussein are having a conversation, Snow White say's "I am the most beautiful divine woman in the world, but how do I know?"

Arnie says "I am hunkiest man in the world but how do I know?",

Saddam says 'I'm the most despised person in the world but how do I know?".

"I know" says Snow White "let's ask the Wise Man". So off they go.... Snow White comes out of the wise mans house and says

"Yes it's true, I am the most beautiful divine woman in the world",

Arnie comes out and says "Yes it's true I am hunkiest man in the world",

Saddam comes out and says "Who's David Beckham?"
作者: jaxmarine    時間: 2010-4-22 08:10 AM

huh? don't get it... u're trying say saddam has been hiding in his cave all time?

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