復活島,在一七七二年被一位荷蘭人~ 羅根維發現,命名為復活島。島位於玻里尼西亞群島東方海域,是智利領土。面積約有四十五平方英哩,島上有兩座死火山,遍佈火山岩,沒有樹木。$ f a* l' j2 |+ Y! _) m
最奇怪的是,島上豎立了二百多尊巨形石像(稱Moai),刻工十分細緻。每座石像大約高二十三至六十英呎,重約五十公噸,是由大塊火山岩堆整塊雕刻而成的。要從岩場搬運巨石到一百呎外的地方,還要使每塊巨石站立,即使是現今科技也很難做到。 I, \ v' j+ m2 o
Cool! Over 200 each of Moai Standing on a small island, which has only 10 miles long located at South Pacific Ocean. Some of the Moai has over 60 ft height. How can it be? Who did it? However, I may not have interested in visiting the little island, as the island has nothing to see except the "rock". I would believe that there is no public transportation commuted over there too.作者: yolandawong 時間: 2010-2-14 04:55 PM