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作者: wlt1110    時間: 2008-6-13 02:37 PM     標題: 夏季第一签!!

夏季第一签!!Davide Petrucci's signing for Manchester United angers Roma

Just days after they were pipped by Arsenal to the signature of 17-year-old Cardiff midfielder Aaron Ramsey,United snapped up Davide Petrucci, 16, who scored 14 goals in 19matches last season and was the top scorer in Roma's youth team. He hasalso starred for Italy's under-17 team.

Unitedwill pay Petrucci £95,000 a year and will cover the cost of regularflights home to Italy. The deal is the maximum permissible offer for ayouth-team player. Roma will receive around £200,000 in compensationbut the move has caused fury.
"It is a nightmare,"said Il Romanista, a newspaper dedicated to Roma. "Manchester Unitedhave dealt us another low blow, stealing Petrucci from under our noses,probably the best product of our youth system. In three to four years,he will be worth 100 times as much."
Petrucci, whocomes from the San Basilio suburb of Rome, has been compared to a youngFrancesco Totti and could have made the first-team squad next year.However, Roma offered him a contract worth only £16,000 a year, thebasic youth-team deal. Petrucci was also said to be concerned that hehad not already been called up to the first team. Totti made his debutin 1993 when he was 16.
Bruno Conti, Roma'stechnical director, said the club were unwilling to improve the termsbecause it would upset other youth-team players who had already signedsimilar deals, including Riccardo Brosco, a defender who has alreadybeen promoted to the full squad.
Conti said Petrucci would have been given opportunities to show his value next season.
Romahave a history of developing youth players. Daniele De Rossi andAlberto Aquilani have come through the system in the past two years andare now playing for Italy.
Roma are unable tocontest the signing, since Italian rules state it is impossible tooffer a professional contract to anyone under 17. Petrucci's birthdayis in October.
Meanwhile, Patrice Evra has signedon for four more years at United. His contract extension is worth£75,000 a week. "United is more than a club, it is a family," saidEvra. "I'm proud to be a part of it."

红魔20万英镑签新托蒂 罗马最强新人成翻版罗西

就在阿森纳签下17岁的拉姆西之后,曼联就签下了罗马青训营培出的天才射手戴维-佩特鲁奇(Davide Petrucci),上赛季他为罗马青年队仅用了19场比赛便打入14球,也顺理成章地成为了意大利17岁以下青年队的核心人物。这笔交易,让人很自然想起曼联当年超低价抢走帕尔玛超级新人罗西的成功案例。






其实这样的问题早在几年前就出现过,英超球队对意甲俱乐部培养出的天才球员给予高薪诱惑,仅仅给俱乐部以极少的补偿费,曼联曾签下罗西、阿森纳也曾强挖卢波利,未与母队签订职业合同前,意大利年轻球员可以随时换东家。此外,西甲也是,巴萨的 法布雷加斯和皮克就分别被阿森纳和曼联低价买走。而像罗西和皮克,虽然几乎没有在曼联建功立业,但是曼联通过强挖新人并且再次出售,都卖出500万欧元左右的高价,获得几十倍的收益。 佩特鲁奇到底是另一个罗西,还是能在曼联闯出天地,让我们拭目以待。
作者: altooooon    時間: 2008-6-13 03:07 PM

the new totti ?? interesting...=P
作者: knchung    時間: 2008-6-13 03:20 PM

another new talent player.....
作者: nikotina    時間: 2008-6-13 07:29 PM

hope can bring something new to the team.
作者: wlt1110    時間: 2008-6-13 09:30 PM

作者: maidli    時間: 2008-6-17 01:03 AM

作者: HIDE    時間: 2008-6-17 01:05 AM

作者: wlt1110    時間: 2008-6-17 02:07 PM

作者: ljw1982    時間: 2008-6-17 05:31 PM

hope that he dont like last time Rossi la..:019:
great talent but just play a few first team game for MU onlye
then been sold out la..:onion03:

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