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標題: 芳香植物 瑞香 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-25 01:57 PM     標題: 芳香植物 瑞香

瑞香學名 Daphne odora 又名千里香,瑞香科 Thymelaeaceae 瑞香屬 Daphne 常綠小灌木。原產中國長江流域以南和日本,具藥用價值。







~ 瑞香根部敏感不愛受騷擾,種植後請儘量不要移植
~ 在寒冷地區種植,幼苗越冬時需要保溫。成熟株則可忍耐短暫零下氣溫。
~ 有說全株有毒

作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-9-26 07:40 AM

近鏡看, 相當美麗, 安排明年遊長江, 睇下真實千里香, 謝謝師姐.
作者: ob51330    時間: 2014-9-26 09:34 PM

作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-9-26 10:24 PM

作者: moksy    時間: 2014-9-29 07:04 PM

Is the English name "Thyme"?
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-9-30 10:36 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-9-30 10:40 AM 編輯

I have heard about the beautiful intense fragrance of the Daphne blooms;
so last summer I went through quite a few different nurseries until I found one that sell them;
it was a bit of an investment too.

After I got it home, let it got used to my garden, then I transplanted it
to a big 30 cm pot with half soil and half potting mix.
I was told it should be placed under defused sunlight, so I did.

I waited and waited for months, until very early spring,
then I noticed every tips on each branch had a clump of very pale pinkish white buds;
many buds on each clump too.
So full of expectation, I waited for another 4 weeks.

Boom!  They all started to bloom .... all together!
And yes, the fragrance was nice.
But ... the flowering only lasted for just over a week,
and then they all finished together.

Now new leaves are growing from where the flower clumps were.

So I am a little underwhelm by the Daphne's short flowering period.

And here are some snapshots of them.

This one I planted on the flower bed in a shady spot.

I found out recently there is a new hybrid called Daphne Eternal Fragrance,
it grows a lot faster, can be grow to form a hedge,
and the flowering season last a lot longer.

May give that one a try latter.  (If they don't cost me my arm and my leg) :)

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