OnMonday, Andrew continued to workout the knee through a series of ofweight-training exercises aimed at strengthening the area where theinjury occurred. The center also ran for several minutes on the team'sAlter-G treadmill that simulates low gravity situations. Since themachine controls what percentage of body weight a player runs on, it isless physically demanding for an athlete returning from an injury.
Formore details on Andrew's recovery we asked Chip Schaefer, LakersDirector of Athletic Performance/Player Development, a couple quickquestions.
我们问了湖人运动发展部门主管Chip Schaefer一些核心问题,得到了更多他的康复状况:
What types of daily drills is Andrew participating in?
Theprimary focus of Andrew therapy at this point is for him to recover thestrength of not only the muscles that control and stabilize his patellabut additionally those that stabilize and control his foot and ankleall the way up the kinetic chain through his hip and back. This isaccomplished through a combination of traditional weight trainingexercises such as squatting and various explosive movements utilizingOlympic lifting exercises. These are combined with some very specificexercises used to essentially retrain and reeducate these muscles tofire in a specific sequential order. Andrew has also begun combiningthese strengthening exercises with various basketball specific movementpatterns and agility drills designed to challenge Andrew in a logicalprogressive order.
还要遵循动力学链能顺畅控制脚到踝到臀再到背, 这样的恢复是通过一系列规范的负重练习比如蹲举式举重,及采用奥林匹克赛中举重训练时的相关各种剧烈运动来实现的。还有一些特殊的训练,按一系列特定的规程来进行再训练和改造其肌肉,除此之外,Andrew还要进行篮球特别练习,也定制了专门的敏捷度训练,从而让Andrew可以按合理的进程表来恢复。
What particular areas have you been focusing on?
Conditioningis also a concern for Andrew. The addition of the Alter -G treadmillhas allowed us to initiate running with Andrew much earlier thanotherwise would have possible. Andrew has been combining aerobic basedrunning (10 minute bouts at moderate intensity) as well as morebasketball specific anaerobic bouts (30 to 45 seconds at a highintensity followed by a 1 minute recovery) with a gradual systematicincrease in the % body weight that he runs at. The most important thingfor Andrew will be the ability to control the ground force reactions inthe highly unpredictable environment that basketball demands. Hisprogress to this point has been excellent.
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